Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Don't Worry-Get Busy

I used to think that I just needed more money to make it happen; that I needed to know the right people or that I needed to be somewhere else to make it BIG.  Then one day I stopped wishing, waiting and hoping and started building and working with the tools I already had access to!

The funny thing is doing the best I could do with the tools I had available eventually led me to the money I needed to build my business; opened the door to the people I needed to meet to make my dream come true; and, is about to take me to the place I've always wanted to be so I can grow my business and help more people build theirs.

At some point you have to stop looking for reasons and excuses and just start building your business with the tools that you have at hand.  That's the only way you are going to get out of your current situation and circumstances!

Don't worry about what other people have or what you don't have.....If all you have right now is a big dream, tons of passion, a pen and paper and an Internet connection, you can start building your business today!

Start Building your business today!

Comment below "Info please"

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Man In The Glass

Michael Jackson wrote a great song: “Man In The Mirror”.  I must say, however, that My Dad framed a poem that I read everyday.  It’s called:  “The Man In The Glass”.  Every time I read it, I remember what he always told me:  “You can only be Billy Harvey and nobody else!”  I would like to share this with each and every one of you.

“The Man In The Glass

When you get what you want in your struggle for gain and the world makes you King for a day, just go to the mirror and look at yourself and see what the man has to say.

It isn’t your father or mother or wife whose judgment upon you must pass.  The one whose verdict counts most in your life is the one staring back in the glass.

He’s the one you must satisfy beyond all the rest.  For he’s the one with you right up to the end. And you have passed your most difficult test if the man in the glass is your friend.

You may be the one who got a good break then you think you’re a wonderful guy.  But the man in the glass says,  you’re only a fake if you can’t look him  straight in the eye.

You may fool the whole world down the pathway of years and get pats on the back as you pass.  But your final reward will be heartaches and tears, if you have cheated the man in the glass.”

Author Unknown

Always strive to be a better person each day than you were the day before.  Look in the glass and reflect on how you can become a better person.  I always walk away from the glass asking myself:  “Would I follow Myself?”

Share with a Friend if you like.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Start All Over Again

Had a very enlightening conversation on Google Hangout with a new friend of mine, Mr. Daniel Jay.  Daniel is a blogger and really becoming a force.  We have been chatting with each other for about a month.  He has been following my posts on Google+, and, he decided that he would have this discussion with me.  Mind you, Daniel is a lot younger than I am, but the things he shared with me concerning Network Marketing, made me take a good look at what I was doing as a novice Network Marketer.    I took a day just to review all of my notes and videos that I had been studying the past 6 months to begin my Network Marketing Career.  Two bits of information that he pointed out to me were:  “You haven’t told your story and Why I started Network Marketing!


First and foremost, I owe an apology to all of the members of the various Social Media Groups’ MEMBERS  and Admins that welcomed me to join their ranks.  I have learned so much from them and for that I am truly thankful.  Upon joining these groups, I missed the very first requirement which was to introduce myself and NOT MY BUSINESS AFFILIATIONS.  i will be correcting that over the next few days.  Hope that all will forgive me for this basic oversight.  Reminds me of a lesson that I was taught by my Dad when I got my first that was not given to me at 16.  A neighbor of ours told me that I could have the car in her garage (1960 Plymouth Business Coupe) if I could get it started.  It was her husband’s and she did not drive.  The car had been sitting in the garage for a number of years.  I worked on that car for 2 weeks changing the oil, spark plugs, points, etc.  The car would not start.  My Dad worked his car and my Mom’s car all of the time.  He asked me:  “Son, what is the first thing I taught you about when a car won’t start?”  I answered:  “Check the battery!”  He said:  “Did you check the battery?”  My answer, as you may have guessed, was:  I put in a new battery and the car started right away.  That is why I decided to write this apology.  I forgot the very first lesson that I was taught about Network Marketing:  “Let people know who you are because people do business with people and not companies!”  My Bad!


My name is Aubrey Harvey but I have been called”Billy or Bill” all of my life.  I am fast approaching 67 years here on this Earth which is a blessing in itself.  I have two Sisters and two Brothers younger than I.  I have two children, a daughter and a son, whom I am very proud of type of adults that they have become.  I have six grandchildren which I don’t get to see as often as I would like.  I retired a little over 2 years ago after working as a Marketing Rep for several insurance companies and finally, in Aviation Security both private and federal at O’hare International Airport for 20+ years.  I am a Vietnam Veteran blessed to make it back home.

After I retired, I moved back to my hometown in Central Illinois, a town of approximately 13,000 inhabitants.  After living in Chicago for 45+ years,  it was definitely something I had to make an adjustment.  The town is half the size and the only thing that hasn’t changed is the ultra-conservative attitude of the past.


Many of my friends have asked me WHY I started Network Marketing. The answer really is quite simple. Because now, I will be able to reach more people who are tired of working for someone else and offer them a way to earn and learn...Amen...just like I have learned from each of you.  I, also, got extremely lucky becoming involved with The Global Power Team, a tremendous organization founded by Mr. Eric D’Cruz.


It took a conversation with a young man, half my age, to shed light on what I was missing in order to fulfill my “Why”.  To Daniel, I owe a special thanks.  With that being said, I decided to strip down to the basics and begin this journey anew.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Open Invitation To Change Your Life

Here’s a question for you...What do you think the #1 most crucial thing you can do for your business is?

Is it growing your prospect...

Listening to self help

Attending Super Saturdays?

Learning a new objection
handling script?

No...It's not any of those.

"Well, what is it then?"

Thought you'd never ask :)

You see...All of those things I mentioned above are important for your business, but...None of them matter without this...ACTION!

Get moving!  Pick up the phone!  Talk with prospects!  Collect a decision!  Add them to your downline!

All of that requires YOU takes specific set of calculated ACTIONS.

And guess what?

You can think about what your life will be like once you take those actions, but you'll never get to experience it if you don't move.

So what's the #1 reason, why most people don't "move"?

FEAR! Plain and simple.

FEAR of the unknown...FEAR of looking pushy to their friends and family.

FEAR of "what if"...FEAR of not knowing what to say.

All sorts of stuff runs through our minds that creates a cloud of FAKE FEAR.

I say "FAKE", because, if you really look at what causes the FEAR, it's not real.  
It's our minds playing tricks on us. Trying to keep us from getting what we truly want.

And the ONLY way to get past that FEAR is to ACT in spite of the fear.

Break through the cloud and go get what you want.

You CAN do it!  You MUST do it!  Otherwise, you'll never get what you want.  Your situation won't change.  Your bills won't get paid.  And, you'll be frustrated, struggling, and "wishing"
something would happen.

Guess what?  Nothing happens until you MAKE IT HAPPEN!

So that's what I wanna know...Are you gonna get up, stop making excuses, and take just 1 action today.

Then take another tomorrow.

And then another.

Next thing you know, you'll have strung together a series of consistent action and you'll start seeing results.

Although the results may be small at first, that's the first step to getting where you want to go.

But you have to start somewhere!  So like Nike says...

"Just Do It"!

Looking for serious people...who are looking to join a Booming Business Opportunity or just want to lose weight.