Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Be - Do - Have!

"Most people believe that the formula for success is:  Be - Do - Have!  I have to have X, so I can do X, so I can be X.  Let me give you an example.  Every day I talk to people offering them a business opportunity that can change their lives.  Their response is often:  "Man, I don't have the money to start a business, or, I have to have all of these skills, or, I have to have time to do it, and so on, and so on.  The true fact is we don't need money to make money.  We don't need to have all of the necessary skills to run a successful business.  All we need to have is courage, belief, desire for success, persistence, and a vision of our dreams.

This is only an example of how people misunderstand the concept of Be - Do - Have.  Do just the opposite:  Have - Do - Be!

If we are always saying and thinking, "I have to have something to do something to be something," we will never Have or Be.  THE TRUE FORMULA FOR SUCCESS is:  Have - Do - Be!  We need to Be and Act as the Person we want to become and to Have the lifestyle we wish to Have.  When we act now, we are giving the Universe (Law of Attraction) that we are ready for whatever it is that we wish to have in life or earn the money we wish to earn, etc.  So the Secret to Success is to Be and Act right now, as the kind of person we want to become.  Make Sense?

Our income is a direct reflection of ourselves - therefore, if we are waiting to have something to be something, that is backwards.  Which means if we are working on self-development, our income will follow.  If we can be now what we want to be when we have the money, we will end up having money.  Can you imagine yourself being successful and acting this way, right now?

Take this formula everywhere you go, Have - Do - Be!  Use it, and, you will transform your life.  All successful people use this same language and talk this same principle and formula.  The thing is, we all think that we need to wait for that certain status or level to talk a certain way; to be a certain way; or, to dress in a certain way.  The truth is that we don't have to wait to be the person we wanted to be if we act right now.  Everything else will follow."

Let's get you started on your transformation.  Contact me, Now!

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