Monday, May 9, 2016

Follow-Up Blues For An Entrepreneur!

Have you ever told someone to visit your website, only to follow up and find out that they never did? I have, and it can be quite frustrating.  I hear people tell me they never got a chance to see it.  On my follow up, I just ask: “I’m just curious.  Were you serious about earning an extra income or this opportunity, or were you just kidding?”  Most “liars” don’t like to get caught in a lie so easily and most “truthers” don’t like to be accused of being liars.  So, they will either confess that they weren’t interested in the first place or tell you they were serious but just didn’t have time.  If they are serious, your question will motivate them to check out your website or video just to prove their innocence. Either answer will allow you to save your precious time.

The Success of any Entrepreneur is in the follow-up! 80% of all prospects convert into customers after the 5th or 6th contact. Do you have a follow-up strategy in place?

Hope you received value from this post and I would Love for you to comment below.

#followup #extraincome #home-basedbusiness #theglobalpowerteam

MORAL:  When you are looking for a “Yes”, don’t waste your time on a “No”.

Sunday, May 1, 2016


Branch ATMs are monitored by security cameras, but it still helps to use common sense and these tips:

  • Take a look around before walking up to the ATM, especially at night.
  • Have your phone handy in case of an emergency.
  • Don't go to an ATM or depository alone at night.
  • If it seems dark, please let the establishment know so they can get some more lights out there.
  • If there's a door to the ATM, make sure you close it.
  • Don't let strangers into the ATM with you after the branch is closed.
  • Keep your PIN a secret from everyone.  And make sure you memorize it, don't write it on your card or keep it in your wallet.
  • Stand between the ATM machine and anyone else waiting and shield the numbers with your hand as you enter your PIN.
  • Put your cash away immediately.  Don't count it if others can see you.
  • If someone appears to be hanging around or you see anything suspicious,don't complete your transaction.  Use the Cancel key and report the incident to the local police or to 911.  Then try an ATM at another location.
  • If it looks like someone is following you, drive to the nearest well-lit , populated area and report the incident to the local police.
  • If someone approaches you and demands you money, just give it to them.  Try to remember everything you can about the person and call the police immediately.
  • Report lost or stolen cards immediately.
Hope you found this information useful for you.

#atmsafety #securebanking #theglobalpowerteam #givingvalue